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A Tested Approach to Content Creation for Brands

One of the more established and effective ways to boost sales, brand value, and user acquisition is through content marketing. “RITE” is the tried-and-true process I use to regularly produce material that works. For Relevant, Interesting, Timely, and Entertaining, use the acronym RITE. You’ll be producing content gold if you can regularly address at least three of these four angles in your writing.

1.Relevant :

What happens if you have more than one hobby, such as cars, dogs, or books? Are you able to write on anything and anything that interests you? The response is, um, sort of. You do not wish to mislead others. Readers might wonder, “What’s going on here? ” if you began a video series about carpentry and then included a commentary about the history of poodles. I came here looking for advice on woodworking. You are out of date now. That being said, you are still free to incorporate your interests and pastimes into your writing. Although I’ve drawn inspiration for my blog entries from a variety of sources, including literature, art, history, travel, and other interests, the lessons are always pertinent to my main subject.

2.Interesting :

Interesting is the “I” in RITE. It’s not a creative writing competition to publish your material. It’s a battle for visibility.Each and every content you create ought to be engaging. You will definitely lose your audience to competitors who can keep their interest if you are unable to achieve that regularly. How do you manage to be interesting all the time? Someone will usually remark something like, How did you know this was on my mind? or How did you know we were just talking about this at work, in the comment area when I publish particularly provocative stuff. The difference, I guess, is that instead of only thinking about the topics that fascinate me, I write about them and start a conversation. “You’re the only person out there with the balls to say this stuff,” someone said on LinkedIn this week.I don’t believe I’m particularly brave. Furthermore, I wouldn’t tell you if I did. However, it takes guts to voice your opinions, particularly when they are unpopular or incomplete, but staying fascinating is really all about that, isn’t it? To be intriguing, you don’t have to know the answers. All you need to do is ask the appropriate questions.

3.Timely :

Studies indicate that individuals enjoy disseminating novel concepts, including findings, research, and data.

Thus, one of the best ways to engage an audience is to provide something fresh and thought-provoking to your material. Here are several chances to produce material that is unique in light of the changes occurring in your surroundings:

Someone is creating a newsletter that compiles the most recent news in every field (if one isn’t already, start one!). Every day, read this news. It’s likely that other people are exclaiming, “Wow!” in response to a news story that catches your attention. Now open your laptop and make a post from your perspective about the meaning of that news. Readers will adore you if you publish that same day.

Remark on a remark that has been made. Suppose you have a passion for combating fires. There are already news reports about events that impact your industry, such as new regulations, budget cuts, or technical advancements. Look for additional people who have commented on the matter online, and then

1) summarize their points

2) provide a link to the original source with attribution,

3) add your own perspective to the original view.

When anything new happens in your sustainable interest area, ask influential people to share their thoughts with you in the form of a paragraph, soundbite, or video clip so you can compile a variety of viewpoints. In addition to producing excellent material, you’ll get a bonus by quoting influential people in the field who might read your piece.

4. Entertaining :

“Entertaining” was the last component in the original RITE formula, but it’s arguably the most significant component of content development today.

What motivates you to share content? because it is, in a sense, entertaining. Perhaps you laugh, are inspired, or are just amazed by the video, podcast, or blog piece. Considering “entertainment” as a concept could help you stand out from the competition. Most folks are just reporting; they aren’t filtering their stuff through the “entertainment” category. Could your unique style help you stand out from the crowd and gain recognition? These four formulas will enable you to differentiate your brand from the competition and grow it to new heights.

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