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How We Increased PPC Leads Over 400% in 50 Days


How We Increased PPC Leads Over 400% in 50 Days They had been in charge of their own Google AdWords advertising, producing about 20 leads a month at a cost of £44 for each conversion. Our goal was to reduce the cost per lead while increasing the quantity of leads generated by their advertisements.

1. Overview

Situated in the center of London, one of the world’s most competitive cities for PPC dental clinic advertisements, is this dental practice.

They had been in charge of their own Google AdWords advertising,Increased PPC Leads producing about 20 leads a month at a cost of £44 for each conversion. Our goal was to reduce the cost per lead while increasing the quantity of leads generated by their advertisements.

The problem was that, even though they were going after a very competitive sector, they had a very limited budget. We would have to tweak the campaign without going over their allotted budget for advertising!

2. Approach

We found that the campaigns had become stale and lacked the necessary Increased PPC Leadslevel of optimization to compete in such a fiercely competitive sector after examining them. In order to take advantage of new formats and start the campaign from scratch, we determined that the best course of action would be to produce fresh campaigns and advertisements. This meant that we could continue using the structure that we’ve discovered to be quite effective for this kind of company.

We could experiment Increased PPC Leadswith advanced bidding strategies, which leverage machine learning to further enhance the performance of the advertising, because we had a good amount of historical data to examine.Furthermore,Increased PPC Leads we recognized the client’s natural Polish speaking ability as one of Exposure Ninja’s biggest USPs when she joined the company! We found a significant market gap that needed to be filled, so we focused on reaching the specialized group of Polish speakers that reside in the area of London near the clinic. Exposure Ninja’s remote culture proved to be extremely effective once more, as our varied team was able to design ads and choose keywords in Polish that led to a certain landing page.

3. The bundle

The client is running a two-action campaign every month.

4. Findings

Increased PPC Leads

Additionally, the conversion rate increased from 4.38% to 13.44%, a gain of more than 207%. By continuously adjusting the keywords and target audience, we were able to ensure that as many of the

Do you want to boost your PPC campaign’s performanceIncreased PPC Leads without spending more money? Learn how Exposure Ninja, the PPC service professionals in Hyderabad, can assist you by requesting a free analysis of your current Google AdWords campaign.

Additionally, the conversion rate increased fromIncreased PPC Leads 4.38% to 13.44%, a gain of more than 207%. In order to ensure that the majority of the clicks we pay for will really convert, we have been continuously improving the keywords and audience that we are targeting.+

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